Huntington Beach - RJ Burke
KWUID: 01052776 - CA / Real Estate Consultant a las Surf City USA Realty Team
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Mis datos
CENTRO DE MERCADO Huntington Beach

Acerca de mí

I've worked through the up's and the down's of the real estate industry now for three decades. During this time, I've helped clients lsell and buy homes and income property too, I live in a luxury home in a luxury neighborhood and grew up in a modest home in a modest neighborhood. I have owned and managed my own real estate and my wife and I owned and managed a local Orange County escrow company for thirty years. Overall, I know a good deal about real estate, what to look for, what to look out for and how to stay out of trouble when in it.

My experience helps me to help see the transaction from start to finish and beyond, before even beginning the journey with my clients. As a result, I make tend the whole transaction smooth and pleasant. That's not to say their might be unpleasant points along the way, but it means I'm ready for them and ready to assist my clients with whatever issue may arise along the way. I'll provide all the information you'll need to make the right decisions for you and your family, and share with you strategies to help you get the highest price for your house when it's time to sell or buy your dream home for five to ten percent less than the average market value when it's time to buy. These are strategies that other realtors don't typically know and use and they aren't found on the internet.

When you hire me to be your Realtor, ...You'll get the job done, on time and to your satisfaction. You will quickly realize that I am a "Do-er" who gets things done. Is this what you're looking for? If so, please feel free to call so we can meet to see how I can best help you. Thank you.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Algo salió mal. Inténtalo de nuevo.
RJ Burke
Número de licencia: 01052776
Surf City USA Realty Team

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Huntington Beach
2100 Main Street Ste. 300

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